At Warren Research, your trust is our top priority. We want you to understand how we generate income from this site. This disclosure explains our use of affiliate marketing, a revenue model we employ in accordance with FTC guidelines.

The Basics of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing allows us to earn a commission when you, as the visitor, complete an action such as making a purchase, signing up, or clicking on certain links in our content. These commissions are paid by the affiliate companies and not by you.

What It Means for Your Wallet

Your purchase cost stays the same. In some cases, our affiliate partnerships may even result in discounts. We do not allow commissions to affect our content. We recommend products based on their quality and potential benefits to you.

Our Promise: Quality over Commission

We work with affiliates who have the same values as us and who are interested in what our readers and clients want. We don’t promote products just to make money. If a product doesn’t meet our standards, we stop promoting it, even if we could make money from it.

We’re Here for You: Questions and Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our affiliate links or partnerships, please contact us by sending a message via our contact form. We are available to provide clarification.

Your Trust Fuels Us: A Thank You Note

Thank you for trusting Warren Research. Your support allows us to produce quality content and keep our site running.